Explosive Threat Consulting

Consulting Services & SME Support

With over 20 years of military service in support of the nation's toughest problems, Blast Shield Consulting provides services related to Countering and Mitigating Explosive Threats, Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD), Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Defense, Managing and Directing Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operations.

As subject matter experts in Explosive Ordnance Disposal Operations, Counter-IED, and C-WMD, we offer clients technical support in a variety of areas. Our scope spans the spectrum of explosive threat planning, mitigation, and strategy. We support industry, civilian, DOD and Law Enforcement partners by providing expert and professional advice about training, tools, techniques, and procedures.  We can also help guide, troubleshoot, and maintain your existing programs.


Jacksonville, NC


Areas of Practice

Counter - IED Advisor

  • Identify threat networks that employ or facilitate IEDs

  • Best practices, known enemy TTPs, and emerging threat technology in order to Detect, Neutralize, Disable, and Mitigate the effects of IEDs in operational environments

  • Threat assessment based on principles of historical IED use and applicability to the situation facing your orgnanization

  • Identifying the main components and assist with determining items of concern in contextual situations

Counter - WMD Advisor

  • Understanding the principal actors of concern related to threats from WMD

  • Understanding and exploring threat network analysis through the Political, Military, Economic, Social, Information, and Infrastructure (PMESII) method

  • Defining the convergence of personnel and material survivability as they relate to operations, activities, and investments

  • Understanding the WMD Continuum

EOD Operations

  • Force employment, man, train, equip fundamentals

  • Force maximization to conduct distributed EOD operations

  • Training methodology to maximize effectiveness in the conduct of individual or team Operations

  • Principles of interoperability and the conduct of EOD operations

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”

- Thomas Jefferson